Unveiling the Dark Side of the Air Ambulance Market

Unveiling the Dark Side of the Air Ambulance Market  Read the New WellRithms White Paper Air ambulance services are a critical…
Unveiling the Dark Side of the Air Ambulance Market

Unveiling the Dark Side of the Air Ambulance Market

 Read the New WellRithms White Paper

Air ambulance services are a critical lifeline, especially in emergencies when patients need rapid transport to specialized medical facilities. However, a hidden crisis exists within this vital industry— one where the significant increases in billed charges for these services are burdening employers, businesses, payors, and consumers alike. WellRithms’ newly released white paper, “Navigating the Complexities of Air Ambulance Services in the Less Than Friendly Skies,” sheds light on the troubling dynamics of this market and the urgent need for reform.


The Hidden Costs of Air Ambulance Services
WellRithms’ white paper explores how the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978, intended to foster competition in the airline industry, inadvertently created monopolistic practices in the air ambulance market. This has allowed some providers, often backed by private equity firms, to charge exorbitant fees—sometimes as much as 85% higher than what is considered fair. With no regulatory oversight, these charges often leave employers, payors and patients blindsided by sky-high bills.


Private Equity’s Role in Driving Up Prices

 The report delves into how private equity has entered the air ambulance sector, leading to market consolidation and, consequently, inflated costs. This has created a scenario where patients and employer-sponsored health plans absorb the brunt of these unsustainable charges, while the focus shifts away from patient care and towards maximizing profits.


The Need for Reform

 The white paper calls for sweeping regulatory reforms to close the loopholes that allow such practices to flourish. It advocates for a system that prioritizes ethical patient care and ensures fair pricing in this critical component of emergency medical services.


WellRithms: A Vital Alternative

 The white paper also highlights the vital role that WellRithms plays in reducing excessive air ambulance charges. Through a combination of automated repricing technology and expert physician reviews, WellRithms ensures that payors pay only fair, justified rates for air ambulance services. For example, in one case, WellRithms reduced a $93,500 charge to a reasonable $14,135—a striking 85% reduction.


Read the Full White Paper

To explore these complex issues in more depth and learn about WellRithms’ solutions to these challenges, download and read the full white paper today here.


Visit www.wellrithms.com or contact us at info@wellrithms.com to discover how we can help you navigate the air ambulance market and reduce excessive charges.