Slashing Overpriced Bills for Newborn Care Preserves ‘Piggy Bank’ Savings

When an underweight newborn struggled with feeding, the baby was admitted to the Level II Neonatal Special Care Nursery at Doctors…
Slashing Overpriced Bills for Newborn Care Preserves ‘Piggy Bank’ Savings

When an underweight newborn struggled with feeding, the baby was admitted to the Level II Neonatal Special Care Nursery at Doctors Medical Center in Modesto, CA, for five days. Despite the baby’s relatively stable condition, the hospital issued an exorbitant medical bill of $119,245 for the stay.

WellRithms’ advanced bill review algorithms in combination with our team of physician and surgeon bill reviewers immediately identified the charges as unreasonably inflated. To put this in perspective, the facility’s average contractual discount (ACD) is 91%, which highlights how frequently charges at this hospital are inflated. To add insult to injury, our team received a reconsideration request that offered only a 25% discount off the original charges—a far cry from what was reasonable.

After a thorough review, WellRithms repriced the bill down to $14,810— a 91% discount from the original charges and in line with their ACD. Thanks to our expertise, this substantial reduction could mean that the baby’s family preserves savings for their future rather than being burdened by astronomical medical bills.

For more information on how WellRithms can help you reduce inflated healthcare costs, contact